
Brevia  Transport, a dedicated division of Brevia Consulting, delivers straightforward public affairs and public relations support to transport organisations. 

Our cross-party team of consultants are experienced in road, rail, aviation, ports, shipping, and Mobility as a Service (MaaS). We have specialist expertise in supporting Development Consent Orders (DCOs). The division offers a full range of services including parliamentary monitoring, strategic advice, media relations, select committee training, and comprehensive stakeholder engagement programmes that encompass Westminster, the UK Department for Transport, Brussels, the devolved administrations, and metro mayors. Being part of a global network, our partners allow us to have a truly international perspective on transport policy developments.

In the coming years, the transport sector faces considerable change. Automated and electric vehicles will become a bigger part of our transport system, while clean air policies and other environmental commitments will affect all types of transport. Meanwhile, the Industrial Strategy is set to incentivise new forms of transport and Brexit has the potential to have a profound impact on the sector.




Heidi Alexander MP: The New Transport Secretary

Heidi Alexander, the newly appointed Secretary of State for Transport, brings a wealth of political experience to her role, underpinned by a career spanning local government, Parliament, and city-wide leadership. Her new role places her at the forefront of addressing the country’s transportation challenges, drawing on her varied political background.

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Prostate Cancer in the UK Parliament: Trends and Insights

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men in the UK, with 1 in 8 men diagnosed during their lifetime. Annually, over 52,000 men are diagnosed in the UK, and more than 12,000 lose their lives to the disease. Throughout 2024 (January to November), prostate cancer has been discussed by UK Parliamentarians.  However, interest in November tripled on average compared to other months. November also coincided with Men’s Health Month, International Men’s Day, and ‘Movember’. October also saw higher than average interest followed by January. 

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A New Debate on Assisted Dying: Kim Leadbeater MP’s Private Member’s Bill

Kim Leadbeater MP recently introduced a Private Member’s Bill on assisted dying in the UK Parliament. This proposed legislation marks a significant moment in the ongoing debate over end-of-life choices. If passed, it could make assisted dying available to terminally ill, mentally competent adults with six months or fewer to live. The Bill aims to provide a compassionate alternative for individuals enduring unbearable suffering while incorporating strict safeguards to prevent misuse.

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A track record in delivering results

Brevia delivers tailored support to organisations operating in the transport sector. Our three-step process offers a straightforward approach to delivering crucial intelligence, strategic advice and stakeholder engagement.