Local Government

The devolution agenda is a core part of UK political discourse. Since 2014 there has been a marked shift in service delivery which sees an ever-changing amount of responsibility being passed to local authorities.
With the introduction of regional mayors and, Police and Crime Commissioners, greater powers are being devolved to local areas. Local Authorities have been given the General Power of Competence, which allows them to undertake any actions which they are not specifically restricted from doing. Devolution is expanding with the Government’s Levelling-Up Strategy committing to deals and long-term funding settlements across England by 2030.
Brevia has supported a range of local authorities, membership organisations, and alliances with a range of services including event management, public affairs training, and campaigning support.
Shaping the Future of CfDs: Key Reforms in AR7 Consultation
With the DESNZ consultation on AR7 closing on 21 March 2025, Brevia Energy examines the key proposals that could shape the future of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) regime. From relaxed eligibility requirements for offshore wind, to extended contract terms and new capacity ambitions, these changes could significantly impact the renewable energy sector. Businesses and investors must engage with the consultation to ensure their interests are represented in the evolving energy landscape.
What does the Seventh Carbon Budget mean for the future of hydrogen?
The Climate Change Committee recently published its Seventh Carbon Budget, outlining the UK’s strategic framework for achieving significant emissions reductions over the coming decades. A key takeaway is the downgrading of the CCC’s view on hydrogen for home compared with the Sixth Carbon Budget published in 2020. In this article, Brevia reviews the CCC’s positioning on heat in the Seventh Carbon Budget compared to the Sixth Carbon Budget.
Future of UK Electricity Pricing: Is Zonal Pricing Inevitable?
With a decision on the Review of the Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) expected imminently, and the intensity around the debate on zonal pricing growing, Brevia’s energy team takes a look at the latest developments, assessing implications, key considerations and expected timelines for businesses to consider in navigating this potential transition.
A track record in delivering results
Brevia delivers tailored support to local authorities, alliances and membership organisations. Our three-step process offers a straightforward approach to delivering crucial intelligence, strategic advice and stakeholder engagement.